
Self Awareness, our best ally. It allows space for perception & knowledge of yourself as a whole. Don’t be afraid to take some time every day and check how you are feeling, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. It’s always useful to journal. Not that this shouldn’t be done often, but this month let’s bring special…

Mental pictures

Some things just take my breath away with their beauty, there is no camera that can actually capture those scenes ( I confess I always try to capture them and take millions of pictures) But today I am grateful for all the beautiful mental pictures and memories I’ve saved! Don’t you think we have an…

Joyful Balance Español

 E M P I E Z A   U N A    V I D A    S A N A,     E N   B A L A NC E    Y    L L E N A     D E     S E N T I D O Basado en el principio de homeostásis, Joyful balance promueve un estilo de vida saludable para ayudarte…

Joyful Balance English

Based on the principle of  homeostasis, joyful balance promotes a healthy lifestyle that will help you reach your goals and aspirations,  providing you with a better quality of life.

We design a custom made plan just for you, inviting you to an easy to follow program that includes nutrition, body stretches, yoga, natural infusions, essential oils, expressive arts and lots of fun. Discover a routine that will make your every day easy, healthy and full of meaning. 

Body. Mind. Awareness. Art

I love watching the human body, I think its amazing. Skin, muscles, hands, feet, shoulders, legs… all of it! I love to play around trying to get into different shapes, test my strength, flexibility and mind. But most of all I like working with my mind during each shape I get into. Challenge myself right…

Face to face with FEAR

So scared that nothing really made sense. have you ever felt this? It’s crazy how the mind works, and how we are constantly protecting ourselves and trying to survive. Usually I’m very brave, but lately I’ve been feeling afraid of heights. They scare me A LOT! What was supposed to be fun and take 3…


Those who know me, know that I’m not the most patient person, but I’ve been working on it! Here is a little something I’ve noticed along the way. When I take the time to breathe and not rush into what im doing, I’m more aware of myself and my surroundings. I can take notice to…

What Happens After Yoga Practice

Yoga works in different planes, it has a direct effect on your mind and body. This effects keep having an impact on you before, during and after practice, which means that the practice of asana keeps interacting with your body after you finish all the physical activity. This is why teachers may suggest some rituals to take on.